About Us
This means transporting commodities and delivering them to the time, quality, and specification that our clients demand.
We are one of the world’s constituents in suppliers and contracts commanding marketers of physical commodities. We physically reference commodities and products Oil, commodities, electricity, and Gas. Trade supplies both from our global supplier base – and sell them to clients all over the world..
Call to ask any question (416)-953-0887
There are many companies but why choose us
Our global suppliers
We sell commodities that we mine and deliver ourselves. However, through our marketing business, we also corroborate from a broad base of third-party commodity suppliers, in countries all over the world.
Our clients
We market to a broad base of industrial consumers and we aim to maintain long-term commercial connections with our clients, who value our scale, reputation, and demand knowledge.
Our assets
At the heart of our marketing business is a network of strategically located assets – allowing us to process, store and transport commodities and productions.